I would love to speak at your church, or fill in for your Pastor so he can take a break. I focus on Jesus and the practical application of the Authoritative Scripture (2 Timothy 3:16-17) to Christians at work and home, for His glory! My unique background is refreshing and inspiring! I have an RV, so traveling to your church is fun!
(Click Here To Skip Down To References)
All talks feature an engaging PowerPoint presentation. Choose click on the following categories:

Popular SINGLE SERMON topics:
Paul’s 7 Keys To Having Joy Practical application of Philippians 1:1-8 to live a life full of joy! (Approx 40 min.) Watch it HERE
Reducing Stress Biblically Practical application of Psalm 131 to reduce stress in your life! (Approx. 50 min.) Watch it HERE
“Be A Pink Spoon: Your Life’s Purpose, Mission, and Ministry” Practical application of Luke 4:17-21 making Jesus’ ministry yours too! (Aprx 45 min) watch it HERE
The Privilege of Prayer (What, Why, How, & Where of Prayer) (Aprx 55 minutes) watch it HERE
Pray So God May Answer (12 things Christians could do that may cause God not to answer prayer. Get on the same page as God) (Aprx 55 minutes) watch it HERE
“Re-Defining Worship” Combining the original definition with Jesus’ definition reveals…most people misunderstand worship! (Aprx 40 min) Scroll down to listen
The Faith Museum (Aprx 60 min) Listen HERE
It’s impossible to please God without faith. This impactful one-of-a-kind reading describes with vivid imagry a visit to the Faith Museum to learn what faith is, and how to gain more.
Popular SERMON SERIES topics:
Commitment to Christian Growth and Victory! 2 Peter 1 gives us 5 steps to grow as a Christian, and to burst into Heaven victoriously, not limp in wounded and frustrated by the things of this world. (3 sessions, 50 minutes each) Click Here to watch the series on YouTube!
“How to Not Fret and Trust God” Psalm 37 starts out with “Do not fret” and ends with “trust in God” and in between are 18 specific and practical things Christians can do to accomplish those two. (4 sessions, 45 minutes each) Click Here to watch the series on YouTube!
“How to be Strong in the Lord in Today’s Culture” (series on the armor of God) (6 sessions 45 minutes each) Click Here to watch each session on YouTube!
“Your Glorious Endeavor” How to glorify God, and fulfill your purpose in life. (Based on my book of the same title) (3 sessions, of 45 minutes)
BJC Seminar (extremely popular)
“Biblically Improve Your Job and Retirement!” (VERY POPULAR 5-hour seminar) Click HERE to watch a short promo video
5×5 Marriage Seminar

“The 5×5 Marriage Tune-Up” (5 commands God has for husbands, and 5 commands for wives) This has literally saved dozens of marriages! (3 sessions, 60 minutes each). This works well as a 3-hour seminar with breaks.
Christian College Chapel Service:
“Making Your Job Your Ministry For Jesus”. (Aprx 30 min) watch it HERE
“The 3-Pin Connector” Three things are required to fulfill your ministry in the secular workforce. (Aprx 30 min) Listen to the audio-only from Montana Bible College Chapel on 9-21-2020 HERE
“Be a Biblical Christian in Blue Jeans“. How to make Jesus’ ministry in Luke 4 yours, to impact your co-workers and neighbors for Him and give them a taste of Jesus’ Kingdom. (Aprx 25 min)
All talks include a PowerPoint presentation and can include an overview handout for note-taking. Also provided is a bulletin insert. I would be happy to send the PowerPoint deck for your prior approval.
Please feel free to contact these references:
-Jason MacDowell. Pastor at Mountain View Bible Church in LaVerkin, UT laverkinjason@gmail.com or call the church (435) 635-3344
-Dr. Bryan Hughes, Pastor at Grace Bible Church in Bozeman, MT and Board Member The Master’s University bryan@gbcmt.org or call the church (406) 586-9782
-Keith Van Arsdol, Pastor at Community Church in Moab, UT pkeith@frontiernet.net or call the church (435) 259-7319
-Glen Schaumloeffel, Pastor at Cornerstone Church in Hemet, CA gschaumloeffel@cornerstonehemet.org or call the church office at (951) 658-7133
-Tim Cowell, Pastor at Grace Bible Church in Heber City, UT tcowell93@gmail.com or call the church (435) 654-6327
-Ted Ethridge, Pastor at Calvary Chapel Bozeman Church office phone (406) 587-1336
-Matt Winkler, Pastor at Fellowship Baptist Church in Bozeman, MT Church phone (406) 587-0033
-Ryan Ward, President of Montana Bible College. ryan.ward@montanabiblecollege.edu (406) 586-3585
-Dr. Andre Gazal, Ph.D., Vice President of Academics, Montana Bible College agazal@montanabiblecollege.edu 406-586-3585 x13
-Jeremy Shea, Deacon/Elder at Fellowship Baptist Church in Bozeman, MT jeremy@fhgconstruction.org (I can give you his phone number)
-Dr. Bill Peel, Ph.D., President of Center for Faith & Work, President of 24 Seven Project bill@24sevenfaith.com (I can give you his phone number)
Here are samples of my most popular talks:

Sermon 9-15-2019 at Fellowship Baptist Church in Bozeman, MT
Please email me directly to discuss speaking: kevin@bluejeanschristian.com