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Marriage Tune-Up Step 1: Love Your Wife

[stextbox id=”black” caption=”God’s 5 Commands for Husbands”]To love his Wife, dwell with her understandingly, lead her, honor her, and not be bitter toward her[/stextbox] The first step in tuning up your car is to clean or change the spark plugs….
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Does Your Marriage Need a Tune-up?

Most husbands seem to fall into one of two categories with their marriage…which describes you? A) Probably feel loved, respected, fulfilled, appreciated, joyous, at peace, and satisfied. You are blessed. You look forward to coming home, to be with…
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Bad Events Bring Good Habits

Have you been driving on slick roads when suddenly, for no reason of your own, the rear end of your vehicle decides to pass the front of the vehicle? Suddenly, you’re going down the freeway sideways and out of control. You do one…
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Be a Log not a Rock.

Do you attend a cold church? Not in Fahrenheit degrees, but can you attend a church service and not speak to another person except for the customary “shake hands with the people around you, or empty “hi, how you doin’?”…
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14 ways to Fear Not!

You’ve had times of doubting God’s promises and provision, which became fear or worry. God seemed distant. You wonder how He allowed you into your situation and wonder if He will do anything to get you out. Solutions are slim,…
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Fear Not

FEAR means Forget Everything And Run to many people. But when you trust God, you can Face Everything And Rise! Psalm 37 and Psalm 73 are similar. Both are about how evildoers seem to prosper. However, we Christians are not…
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How Do You Respond to God’s Word

The Parable of the Sower in Luke 8:4-9 is a story Jesus used to teach about the 4 kinds of people and their response to the Bible. His disciples then asked for an explanation of what it meant, and we should…
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God’s Reasons and Description of Marriage #5

A Few More Reasons and Descriptions of Marriage: Marriage is a commitment and covenant relationship for life between one man and one woman. , Romans 7:2, Matthew 19:3-6, 1 Timothy 3:2, Malachi 2:10-17 The only way flesh can be separated…
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God’s Reasons and Description of Marriage #4

Marriage is best when you are most Christ-like. Husbands, you are to “love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy…” Ephesians 5:25-27. The goal and standard for husbands is Jesus…
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God’s Reasons and Descriptions of Marriage #3

Marriage is best between the equally yoked. In 2 Corinthians 6:17 and the surrounding verses Paul gives a command : “Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers.” He goes on for the next 4 verses giving examples and quotes…
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