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Teach Your Kids Well in These 4 Areas

I had a conversation with a parent a few days ago about the upcoming school year and his children. He was concerned that sports had taken such a huge role in one if his kids’ life, that he was concerned…
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How to Have Endurance as a Christian

Four Keys to Running the Christian Race with Endurance (Hebrews 12:1-3) “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let…
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Do You Have an STD? (Sprinkler Tweaking Disorder)

I spent most of 2002 building my own house, and one of the main goals was for the place to be as maintenance free as possible. I wanted to relax when it was done and coast through home ownership. I…
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Is The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death Real?

I had a feeling the “valley of the shadow of death” David wrote about in the 23rd Psalm was a real place, I just didn’t know I would actually see it in a recent visit to Israel. Psalms 23:4 says…
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Be an Encourager

Unity among believers in the church is so important, the concept shows up in almost all of Paul’s writings in the New Testament. As the early church started about 2,000 years ago, a unified body of Christians was essential for…
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How Jews Can Embrace True Christianity

As we get older, most of us add titles or accomplishments to ourselves we are proud of, and we want our life to matter and count for something. We also want a good relationship with God. I recently met someone…
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Marriage Tune-Up Step 4: Honor Your Wife

1 Peter 3:7 says a godly husband is to give honor to his wife. But what does that mean? Here are 8 ways you can: You honor her when you esteem her as highly valuable, treat her as a queen,…
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Marriage Tune-up step 3: Husbands Lead

A husband is to be the leader. Lead your household. (period) That’s the job God gave you, not your wife. Ephesians 5:23 Lead your wife. You accepted that position before God when you married her. Remember also, when she married…
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Marriage Tune-up Step 2: Dwell With Understanding

For the next step in our marriage tune-up we will get advice from a master mechanic first. Peter was the Disciple of Jesus we can identify with the most because he was like a lot of us. He was arrogant,…
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