Do You Sense God’s Pleasure From Work?

If you have kids, you probably know the pleasure you get when your child works hard at something because they want to be like you. “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery” comes to mind (a quote by Charles Caleb…
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Have Courage, Strength, and Hope

I keep this note under my keyboard at work, and pull it out often whenever a challenge is ahead: Courage, strength, and hope. Those are like money in the bank you can draw from when facing tough situations. With those…
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Pay Attention to the Connections

In the fabrication and erection of structural steel, you pay attention to the connections. In the steel fabrication shop, most of the labor is in the connections: the base plates, shear tabs, and especially the moment connections which have lots…
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Tough Guys Have Peace!

Having peace is not some fantasy dream, you really can have it! In Psalm 37:1-11 there are 14 ways to not worry or fear. The last one in verse 11 guarantees you will delight in the abundance of peace: “But…
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How’s Your Aim?

I saw this photo recently of a friend, former Bible Study Fellowship leader and current US Senator from Montana Steve Daines sighting in his hunting rifle, and I immediately thought of 2 Corinthians 5:9. It’s big game hunting season across…
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Do You Smell?

How many of these “fragrances” do you know? A new car. Fresh pine when cutting firewood. Ash tray in the smoking area. Burned flux when welding. Exhaust from diesel truck. Kerosene from the startup of an airline jet. Windrow of…
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How to Email Correctly

Christians are to be Christ-like and that includes being as “top-notch” as we can in everything we do. Emailing…it’s an area we can either look foolish and sloppy, or professional and well representative of who we work for. Emails are not as…
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Is The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death Real?

I had a feeling the “valley of the shadow of death” David wrote about in the 23rd Psalm was a real place, I just didn’t know I would actually see it in a recent visit to Israel. Psalms 23:4 says…
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14 ways to Fear Not!

You’ve had times of doubting God’s promises and provision, which became fear or worry. God seemed distant. You wonder how He allowed you into your situation and wonder if He will do anything to get you out. Solutions are slim,…
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