Make Good Decisions!
Your Glorious Endeavor

Here’s the Table of Contents of my new book: How to Glorify God Explanation of the word “glory”? “Isn’t glorifying God another term for worship?” “Does God need us to glorify Him?” The warp and woof of glorifying God The…
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How Not to BRACE Yourself!

Daylight savings time is when you are advised to take out the old batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and replace them with new ones. It reminds me of Ephesians 4:31 where we told to remove from our…
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Tips to balance your work and family life.

October is National Work and Family month. So here are 4 tips to balance your work and family life: The Backpack The burdens of our jobs are like a weight on our back, that weight can go home with us…
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Podcast Launched!

After a long time of planning and preparation, I am excited to announce the launching of my new weekly podcast: The Blue Jeans Christian Please subscribe to the Blue Jeans Christian weekly podcast, where we discuss the practical application of…
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You’re Told to do This 80 Times!

The phrase “one another” occurs 146 times in the Bible. Almost all of the Old Testament occurrences are negative or descriptive, not relational. Whereas over 80 occurrences in the New Testament are telling us to treat one another positively such…
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Can I watch TV and play video games all the time?

God gave you life for a reason. The reason is not just to pay bills and eat, nor to just watch TV and play video games (although some of that is OK). The wisest man who ever lived, Solomon,…
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Getting on the same page as God

Prayers are answered favorably when you and God are on the same page. Let’s face it, we are greedy and selfish. Really. We want things, we want them now, and we get upset when we don’t get them. We complain…
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Is Work a Gift?

Our Heavenly Father is a wonderful gift giver. In the first few chapters of the Bible in Genesis we see three main gifts to us. He gives us this incredible earth to live our life, and to enjoy. From it,…
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4 Rules to Leaving a Voicemail

The phone rang just as our family sat down for dinner. I picked it up and heard “Is Kallee there?” spoken by a boy in his late teens. “Yes”. I said and promptly hung up the phone. Phone manners have…
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