Christian Growth and Victory

Would you like to burst into Heaven victorious and hear Jesus say “Well done good and faithful servant!”, or limp in wounded by the world or frustrated and disappointed? The choice is yours. You can remain a couch potato Christian,…
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How To Be Strong In The Lord

Strange times we live in, agree? Christians need to be strong in the Lord to thrive in the wacky world today. Especially because now more than ever, we have the opportunity to be the light in a dark world Jesus…
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How To Study Scripture. Insights Into The Four Gospels

Learning how to study the Bible, rather than just read it, is essential to the growth and maturity of Christians. It also helps Scripture become an anchor in your life when it seems like you’re tossed around like a boat…
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10 TIPS For Working From Home

Many of you are working from home, which can be less productive, worrisome to your employer, and frustrating to you both. However, those don’t have to be! God’s Word gives us guidelines for working from home, specifically 1 Corinthians 10:31…
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Make Good Decisions!
Should I have All the Fruits of the Spirit?

God is glorified when we Christians bear fruit. Our “fruit”, according to John 15, cannot happen unless we abide in Jesus. He uses a brilliant analogy of Himself being the vine with all the nutrients, and we are the branch…basically…
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Podcast Launched!

After a long time of planning and preparation, I am excited to announce the launching of my new weekly podcast: The Blue Jeans Christian Please subscribe to the Blue Jeans Christian weekly podcast, where we discuss the practical application of…
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4 Back to School Requirements

I had a conversation with a parent a few days ago about the upcoming school year and his children. He was concerned that sports had taken such a huge role in one if his kids’ life, that he was concerned…
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You’re Told to do This 80 Times!

The phrase “one another” occurs 146 times in the Bible. Almost all of the Old Testament occurrences are negative or descriptive, not relational. Whereas over 80 occurrences in the New Testament are telling us to treat one another positively such…
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People Today Be Like…

While reading in the book of Hebrews, I came to this verse: “Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord” Hebrews 12:14 I got to thinking about our culture lately, and that most…
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