Make Good Decisions!
Podcast Launched!

After a long time of planning and preparation, I am excited to announce the launching of my new weekly podcast: The Blue Jeans Christian Please subscribe to the Blue Jeans Christian weekly podcast, where we discuss the practical application of…
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4 Back to School Requirements

I had a conversation with a parent a few days ago about the upcoming school year and his children. He was concerned that sports had taken such a huge role in one if his kids’ life, that he was concerned…
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Your Recipe Repertoire

Every guy needs to have a couple of recipes he has mastered. My Brother-In-Law is famous for his home-made-from-scratch pizza, and we always look forward to our family getting together around his pizza. Good food = good times. Having family members…
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Learn From Ezra

In 480 B.C. there was a Scribe named Ezra who studied the Law of Moses (the first 5 books in our Bible). He studied them so well, it has been said he could write them down from memory! Ezra came…
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Are Your Children Well Rounded?

The employees at our steel fabrication company who get promoted, receive better pay, and have the most job security, are those that are “well rounded.” So just what does that mean? How can you be well rounded? How can you…
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Teach Your Kids Well in These 4 Areas

I had a conversation with a parent a few days ago about the upcoming school year and his children. He was concerned that sports had taken such a huge role in one if his kids’ life, that he was concerned…
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Instilling Confidence and Value

Character is an attribute that has to be taught to kids, and they must learn it. Parents (primarily Dad) must understand building godly character in kids is a process. Teach application, not just implication. Teach the meaning of these words…
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Building Character

“Maintain good character”. I tell that to my daughter frequently, especially whenever she leaves to a friend’s house, the mall, or a school trip. It was the last words I said to her when we dropped her off for college…
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The Decision Chart

The above decision making chart is a great decision making tool. I keep in my Bible, refer to often,and hand out copies. It takes a bit of explanation, but you can figure it out, especially when you look up the…
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