Monthly Archive: November 2015
Tough Guys Have Peace!

Having peace is not some fantasy dream, you really can have it! In Psalm 37:1-11 there are 14 ways to not worry or fear. The last one in verse 11 guarantees you will delight in the abundance of peace: “But…
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The Word “Thanksgiving”

The word Thanksgiving originated in the Bible, where it is used 32 times, and the word Thank or Thanks is there at least another 100 times. We actually expect, require, think, or say thanks in any given day over 40…
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How’s Your Aim?

I saw this photo recently of a friend, former Bible Study Fellowship leader and current US Senator from Montana Steve Daines sighting in his hunting rifle, and I immediately thought of 2 Corinthians 5:9. It’s big game hunting season across…
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Check Your Prayer Attitude

Beginning each day with prayer is the most important thing I do all day. Prayer is the #1 tool in my toolbox. However, it’s easy to have a misguided attitude when praying. One of my hero’s is R.G. LeTourneau, and I graduated…
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